Love is adesso - Letter from the founder
I'm writing this as Valentine's Day approaches and I keep thinking that while this day in particular may be generally known as the time of year dedicated to lovers, it should actually stimulate a reflection on the concept of love in general.
Let's face it, the whole world moves behind the propulsion of love. The same Einstein, a man of great genius, wrote a manifesto dedicated to the fact that love, after all, is the answer.
For me, knowing how to love is knowing how to give, especially the most finite resource we have: time.
I created adesso, exactly with this goal in mind: to give every woman more time to live.
adesso in its immediacy is a moment dedicated to beauty and wellness, adesso is the security of cosmetic treatments that simplify the problems of everyday life, adesso is the desire to embody the best version of yourself, and to love each day more. Because how can you love someone if you don't love yourself first?
*Love is adesso and it doesn't matter which moment of your life you're facing at the moment: if you're alone or dating someone, if you're in a love crisis, if you're in a perfect relationship or facing a situation that doesn't seem to figure itself out, if you feel beautiful or ugly, safe or fragile...
Today is the day of love, and you can always start with yourself, slowly dedicating more time to the things that make you feel alive (and this doesn't necessarily mean when taking care of your skin and body) There you go. Take more time to live, get excited, make mistakes, learn, trust me you can only be beautiful!
Start now.